نشست:11 اپریل 2019ء

پرنٹ کریں

فہرست کاروائی











11 April 2019 AT 03:00 P.M.


Tilawat and Naat




relating to




to be asked and answers given




Call Attention Notices, entered in the separate list,


to be asked and oral answers given








            A MINISTER to move for Discussion on Price Control.




            A MINISTER to move for Discussion on Law and Order.










Lahore:                                                            Muhammad Khan Bhatti


10 April 2019                                                              Secretary


کاروائی کا خلاصہ

Summary of the Proceedings
Thursday, April 11, 2019
Started at 04:46 p.m.

with a recitation from the Holy Qur’an and its Urdu translation followed by Naat-e-Rasool-e-Maqbool .

In Chair     Sardar Dost Muhammad Mazari, Acting Speaker

Panel of Chairmen

In terms of Rule 13(1) of Rules of Procedure of the Provincial Assembly of the Punjab, 1997, Mr. Muhammad Khan Bhatti, Secretary Assembly announced the Panel of Chairmen as nominated by Acting Speaker in the following order:-

1.      Mian Shafi Muhammad (PP-258)

2.      Mr. Muhammad Abdullah Warraich (PP-29)

3.      Syed Yawar Abbas Bukhari (PP-1)

4.      Ms. Zakia Khan (W-331)

Suspension of Rules

On a motion moved by Mr. Muhammad Basharat Raja, Minister for Law & Parliamentary Affairs under Rule 234 of the Rules of Procedure of the Provincial Assembly of the Punjab 1997, the House granted leave to suspend Rule 115 and other relevant Rules of the Rules ibid, for taking up the following Resolution, which was unanimously passed by the House:


Mr. Muhammad Basharat Raja, Minister for Law & Parliamentary Affairs moved a Resolution expressing condolences over the death of former MPA, Sardar Fateh Muhammad Buzdar, father of sitting Chief Minister of Punjab, Sardar Usman Buzdar. The resolution paid tribute to the services of Sardar Fateh Muhammad Buzdar for the people of Punjab as an elected representative who served as MPA for three terms, during 1985-1988, 2002-2007 and 2008-2013. The resolution prayed for the departed soul to rest in eternal peace and gives courage and strength to the bereaved family.


The House offered Fateha on the sad demise of father of Sardar Usman Ahmed Khan Buzdar, Chief Minister Punjab, mother of Ms Munira Yamin Satti (MPA), father of Ms. Rukhsana Kausar (MPA) and father of Mr. Ali Abbas Khan, (MPA).

Motion in terms of Article 171 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, 1973 and Rule 129 of Rules of Procedure of the Provincial Assembly of the Punjab, 1997

On a Motion moved by Mr. Muhammad Basharat Raja, Minister for Law & Parliamentary Affairs, the House granted leave to refer Appropriation Accounts of the Punjab Government and the reports of Auditor General of Pakistan thereon to PAC-II with the direction to lay its report within one year.

Extension in Time Limit for Laying the Reports

On a Motion moved by Mr. Muhammad Basharat Raja, Minister for Law & Parliamentary Affairs, the House granted two months extension from 11 April 2019 to the Special Committee No. 4 for laying its report.

On a Motion moved by Raja Yawar Kamal Khan, Convener, Special Committee No.1, the House granted two months extension from 11 April 2019 to the Special Committee No. 1 for laying its report.

Question Hour

Questions relating to Housing, Urban Development & Public Health Engineering Department were asked and Mian Mehmood-ur-Rasheed, the concerned Minister answered the questions.


Malik Wasif Mazhar, Member-elect from (Multan-VIII) PP-218 made an oath and signed the Roll of Members. The Acting Speaker administered the oath.

Call Attention Notice

The Call Attention Notice moved by Mian Manazar Hussain Ranjha regarding dacoity of seven hundred thousand rupees from Mr. Tariq Mehmood and injuring him at Tehsil Kot Momin, District Sargodha, was kept pending after replied by Mr. Muhammad Basharat Raja, Minister for Law & Parliamentary Affairs.

Adjournment Motion

The Adjournment Motion moved by Ms. Azma Zahid Bokhari regarding failure of Health Department to implement master plan worth three billion rupees to upgrade Mayo Hospital, Lahore was kept pending as the concerned Minister was not present.

Government Business

General Discussion

Discussion on Price Control

Mian Muhammad Aslam Iqbal, Minister for Industries, Commerce & Investment Department initiated the Discussion on Price Control. He said that due to wrong policies of previous government the national exchequer has become empty. While throwing light upon six months performance of PTI government, he apprised the House that the government had conducted raids, imposed fines and registered FIRs against the accused/violators. He further added that loan of country had increased manifold during the tenure of previous government, which had artificially controlled the rate of dollar. He ensured the House that the Government was determined to control price hike and provide target subsidy to the poorest especially during the month of Ramazan.

Sardar Awais Ahmad Khan Laghari, Syed Hassan Murtaza and Mr. Sami Ullah Khan participated in the discussion.

At this stage, the quorum was pointed out at 07:02 p.m. which remained incomplete after ringing bells for five minutes and the Chair adjourned the House for fifteen minutes. On resumption at 07:25 p.m. the House was still inquorate and the Chair prorogued the House at 07:26 p.m.

منظور شدہ قراردادیں

قرارداد نمبر: 32

محرک کا نام:  جناب محمد بشارت راجہ وزیر قانون

"صوبائی پنجاب اسمبلی کا یہ ایوان، وزیراعلیٰ پنجاب سردار عثمان احمد خان بُزدار کے والد اور سابق رکن پنجاب اسمبلی سردار فتح محمد خان بُزدار کی وفات پر گہرے رنج و غم کا اظہار کرتا ہے۔ مرحوم ڈیرہ غازی خان کے ایک معروف قبائلی گھرانے میں پیدا ہوئے۔ مرحوم بُزدار قبائل کے سربراہ تھے۔ انہوں نے کراچی یونیورسٹی سے ایم اے سیاسیات کی ڈگری حاصل کی۔ مرحوم 1983-84 کے دوران وفاقی کونسل (مجلس شوریٰ) اور ضلع کونسل، ڈیرہ غازی خان کے رکن رہے۔ مرحوم کو تین مرتبہ 1985-88، 2002-2007 اور 2008-2013 کے دوران پنجاب اسمبلی کا رکن رہنے کا اعزاز حاصل ہوا۔ 2003-2007 کے دوران وہ پنجاب اسمبلی کی سٹینڈنگ کمیٹی برائے مذہبی امور اور اوقاف کے چیئرمین کے منصب پر بھی فائز رہے۔

مرحوم انتہائی شریف النفس انسان اور تجربہ کار پارلیمنٹرین تھے۔ یہ ایوان مرحوم کی وفات کو ایک ناقابل تلافی نقصان قرار دیتا ہے۔ اس ایوان میں ان کی کمی کو ہمیشہ محسوس کیا جائے گا۔ یہ ایوان وزیراعلیٰ پنجاب سے ان کے والد کی وفات پر تعزیت کا اظہار کرتا ہے اور دُعاگو ہے کہ اللہ تعالیٰ مرحوم کی مغفرت فرمائے، انہیں اپنے جوار رحمت میں جگہ عطا فرمائے اور ان کے لواحقین کو صبر جمیل عطا فرمائے۔ آمین"





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