Press Releases

  1. Meeting of Mr. Speaker with Journalists in Punjab Assembly Chamber
    Date: 17th March 2009
  2. سپیکر پنجاب اسمبلی رانا محمد اقبال خاں کی سابق گورنر پنجاب شاہد حامد سے انکی رہائشگاہ پر ان کے والد بریگیڈئر (ر) حامد نواز کے انتقال پر تعزیت
    Date: 4th March 2009
  3. سیکرٹری پنجاب اسمبلی محمد خاں بھٹی کی اسمبلی کے افسران سے تعارفی ملاقات
    Date: 4th March 2009
  4. Strong Condemnation of Mr. Speaker and Deputy Speaker, Punjab Assembly against the attack on Sri Lankan Cricket Team
    Date: 3rd March 2009
  5. Meeting of Mr. Speaker with the delegation of European Union in Punjab Assembly Chambers
    Date: 24th February 2009
  6. Address of Mr. Speaker in the ceremony of USAID
    Date: 23rd February 2009
  7. Address of Mr. Speaker in the 19th International Conference for Family Medicine held in Ewan-e-Iqbal
    Date: 14th February 2009
  8. Address of Mr. Speaker in the ceremony of the 30th National Day and Islamic Revolution of Islamic Republic of Iran held in Local Hotel
    Date: 9th February 2009
  9. Address of Mr. Speaker in the Award distribution ceremony of a Private TV Channel in Alhamra Hall
    Date: 8th February 2009
  10. سپیکر پنجاب اسمبلی رانا محمد اقبال خاں کا مقامی ہوٹل میں ” تولیدی صحت اور اے آر ٹی پر تیسری انٹر نیشنل کانفرنس سے خطاب
    Date: 6th February 2009
  11. Address of Mr. Speaker in the annual sports day of Govt. College Township, Lahore
    Date: 4th February 2009
  12. Address of Mr. Speaker in the Children fair held in Children Library Complex under the supervision of Social Welfare Punjab
    Date: 26th January 2009
  13. Meeting of Mr. Speaker Rana Muhammad Iqbal Khan with the Speaker of Balochistan Assembly in Punjab Assembly Chambers
    Date: 24th January 2009
  14. Refutation of Mr. Speaker regarding the Press Conference of some persons of Phool-Nagar in Lahore Press Club
    Date: 20th January 2009
  15. سپیکر پنجاب اسمبلی رانا محمد اقبال خاں سے ایران کے صوبہ خراساں رضاوی کے گورنر جنرل محمد جواد محمدی زادے کی سربراہی میں اعلیٰ سطحی وفد کی اسمب
    Date: 15th January 2009
Showing 511 - 525 of 557 Records