[1][128. Recommendations of National Finance Commission.– (1) A Minister shall lay in the House the recommendations of the National Finance Commission together with an explanatory memorandum as to the action taken on the recommendations.

(2) The Minister for Finance shall, biannually, lay the report in the House regarding implementation of the Award of the National Finance Commission in terms of clause (3B) of Article 160 of the Constitution.]

129. Report of Auditor-General.– The annual report of the Auditor-General relating to the accounts of the Province of the Punjab, when received, shall be laid in the House by a Minister.

130. Report on observance of principles of policy.– The annual report on the observance and implementation of the principles of policy in relation to the affairs of the Province of the Punjab shall be laid in the House by a Minister.

131. Report of the Council of Islamic Ideology.– The report of the Council of Islamic Ideology, whether interim or final, when received, shall be laid in the House by a Minister.

132. Other Reports.– Any other report required to be laid in the House under any law for the time being in force shall be so laid by a Minister.


133. Discussion of Reports.– (1) After a report referred to in rules 130, 131 or 132 is laid in the House, the Speaker shall fix a day for its discussion.

(2) On the day fixed under sub-rule (1), the Minister concerned may move that the report be discussed by the Assembly and may make a brief statement explaining the salient features of the report.

(3) The Assembly may, by a resolution, express its opinion or make any observation or recommendation on the report.

(4) Once a report has been discussed in the Assembly, no other motion shall lie for its discussion or further discussion.


Substituted vide Notification No. PAP/Legis-1(27)/08/397 – see the Punjab Gazette (Extraordinary), dated 12 May 2011, pp.38765-69.