


Ms. Syeda Sughra Imam

PP-76 (Jhang-IV)

Assembly Tenure: 2002-2007 (14th Assembly)

  • Position(s) Held
  • Member: Standing Committee on Planning & Development
  • Academic Qualifications
  • BA
  • Party Affiliation
  • Pakistan Muslim League
    (See other MPAs of this party)
  • Email
  • Email Your MPA
  • Father's/Husband's Name
  • Syed Fakhar Imam
  • Marital Status
  • Un-Married
  • Date of Birth
  • 14th November 1972
  • Place of Birth
  • Lahore
  • Religion
  • Islam
  • Took oath on
  • 25th November 2002

Personal Career & Interests

Syeda Sughra Imam, daughter of Syed Fakhar Imam, was born on November 14, 1972 in Lahore, and graduated in 1994 from Harvard University, USA. After graduation, she worked at the US based foreign policy think tank, the Council on Foreign Relations, New York, and as a consultant to the UNDP and other NGOs. She served as Chairperson, Zila Council, Jhang during 1998-99, and has been elected as Member Provincial Assembly of the Punjab in General Elections 2002. She was appointed Minister for Social Welfare on 24 November 2003 and resigned on 18 June 2004. She belongs to a well known political family. Her mother, Syeda Abida Hussain, remained Member Punjab Assembly during 1972-77, Member National Assembly during 1985-88, 1988-90, 1990-93, 1997-99, and also served as Federal Minister; her father remained Member, National Assembly during 1985-88, 1990-93, and 1997-99; and also served as Speaker, National Assembly during 1985-86.

Permanent Contact

  1. Shah Jewna House, Civil Lines, Jhang Saddar

0471-614943 (Resident), 0471-626699 (Work)

Present Contact

  1. 7-F.C.C Gulberg, Maratib Ali Road Lahore

Previous Official Positions

Official Body Post Duration
District Council Chairperson 1998-1999

Seminars & Conferences Attended

Event Participated as Country Year
Conference Member India 2000

Relatives in present or past assemblies

Relationship Name Parliament Designation Period
Mother Syeda Abida Hussain Provincial Assembly of the Punjab 1972-1977
Mother Syeda Abida Hussain National Assembly of Pakistan 1985-1988
Mother Syeda Abida Hussain National Assembly of Pakistan 1988-1990
Mother Syeda Abida Hussain National Assembly of Pakistan 1990-1993
Mother Syeda Abida Hussain National Assembly of Pakistan 1997-1999
Father Syed Fakhar Imam National Assembly of Pakistan 1985-1988
Father Syed Fakhar Imam National Assembly of Pakistan 1990-1993
Father Syed Fakhar Imam National Assembly of Pakistan 1997-1999