80. Speaker's consent.– Subject to the provisions of these rules, a motion for an adjournment of the business of the House for the purpose of discussion on a definite matter of urgent public importance may be made with the consent of the Speaker.

81. Notice of a motion.– The notice of a motion under rule 80, explaining the matter proposed to be discussed, shall be given in writing, in triplicate, to the [1][Secretary General] not less than one hour before the commencement of the sitting in which the motion is proposed to be moved, and the [2][Secretary General] shall thereupon bring the notice to the knowledge of the Speaker, the Minister for Law and Parliamentary Affairs and the Minister concerned.

82. Restrictions on right to make adjournment motion.– Notwithstanding anything in these rules, not more than one such motion shall be admitted on any one day but motions, if any, remaining unconsidered as regards their admissibility shall be held over for the next day and shall be taken up in the same order in which they were received, but before the motions of which notices are received subsequently.

83. Conditions of Admissibility of a motion.– A motion shall not be admissible unless it satisfies the following conditions; namely–

(a) it shall raise an issue of urgent public importance;

(b) it shall relate substantially to one definite issue;

(c) it shall be restricted to a matter of recent occurrence;

(d) it shall not repeat in substance motions for which consent has been refused by the Speaker or which have been found to be inadmissible or for which leave has been refused by the House or which have already been discussed by the Assembly;

(e) it shall not anticipate a matter for the consideration of which a date has been previously appointed;

(f) it shall relate to a matter which is primarily the concern of the Government or a statutory body under the control of the Government or to a matter in which the Government have a substantial financial interest;

(g) it shall not contain arguments, inferences, ironical expressions or defamatory statements;

(h) it shall not refer to the conduct or character of a person except in his official or public capacity;

(i) it shall not deal with a matter in respect of which a resolution could not be moved;

(j) it shall not relate to a matter of privilege;

(k) it shall not deal with a hypothetical case;

(l) it shall not relate to a matter which can only be remedied by legislation;

(m) it shall not raise discussion which is detrimental to the public interest;

(n) it shall not deal with any matter which is sub-judice; and

[3][(o) a motion shall not be taken on the days mentioned in sub-rule (2) of rule 42, if otherwise directed by the Speaker.]

84. Asking leave for a motion.– The leave to make a motion for adjournment shall be asked for only by the member who has given notice thereof after questions and privilege motions, if any, and before the List of Business is entered upon.

[4][84A. Number of motions and mode of reply.– (1) A member shall not move more than one motion for adjournment during a sitting but that condition shall not apply to a motion moved in an earlier sitting and pended for reply on the request of the Minister or the Parliamentary Secretary concerned.

(2) After a motion for adjournment is moved or on any subsequent sitting to which the motion is pended, the Minister or the Parliamentary Secretary concerned shall reply the motion.]

[5][85. Procedure.– (1) If the Speaker is of the opinion that the matter proposed to be discussed in the adjournment motion is in order, he shall put to the vote of the Assembly that "the adjournment motion be admitted for discussion" which shall be decided by the majority of members present and voting.

(2) If the adjournment motion is admitted for discussion, the Speaker shall announce that the adjournment motion shall be taken up for discussion in the same session for not more than two hours on such day as the Speaker may fix:

Provided that the Speaker may, of his own or on a motion made by a member, extend the sitting of the Assembly on such day by two hours.

(3) On the conclusion of discussion on the day fixed by the Speaker, if the mover is satisfied, the adjournment motion shall stand disposed of; however, if the mover is not satisfied, the Speaker may, of his own or on a motion made by a member, refer the Adjournment Motion to a Committee for consideration and report.]

86. Time limit for determination of admissibility.– In a sitting, the aggregate time for the asking of leave under rule 84 and the granting or withholding of leave under rule 85, shall not exceed half an hour.

87. Question to be put.– On a motion to adjourn for the purpose of discussing a definite matter of recent and urgent public importance, the only question that may be put shall be "that the Assembly do now adjourn", but no such question shall be put after the time for the discussion of the motion has expired.

88. Time limit for speeches.– A speech during the debate on a motion for adjournment shall not exceed ten minutes in duration:

Provided that the mover and the Minister or Parliamentary Secretary concerned may speak for twenty minutes each.



Substituted for the word "Secretary" vide Notification No.PAP/Legis-1(37)/2024/34; published in the Punjab Gazette (Extraordinary), dated 16 April 2024; pp 4135-36.

[2]Substituted for the word "Secretary" vide Notification No.PAP/Legis-1(37)/2024/34; published in the Punjab Gazette (Extraordinary), dated 16 April 2024; pp 4135-36.

[3]Substituted vide Notification No. PAP/Legis-1(37)/2024/136; published in the Punjab Gazette (Extraordinary), dated 13 September 2024; pp 887-903.

[4]New rule inserted vide Notification No. PAP/Legis-1(15)/2013/1380; published in the Punjab Gazette (Extraordinary), dated 22 February 2016, pp 3937-44.

[5]Substituted vide Notification No. PAP/Legis-1(28)/2018/2379; published in the Punjab Gazette (Extraordinary), dated 11 November 2020; pp 3109-12, for the following:

"85. Procedure.– (1) If the Speaker is of the opinion that the matter proposed to be discussed is in order, he shall read the statement to the


Assembly and ask whether the member has the leave of the Assembly to make the adjournment motion and if objection is taken, he shall request


such of the members as may be in favour of leave being granted to rise in their seats.


(2) If members less than one-sixth of the total membership of the Assembly rise in their seats, the Speaker shall inform the member that he has not


the leave of the Assembly.


(3) If members not less than one-sixth of the total membership of the Assembly so rise, the Speaker shall announce that leave is granted and the


motion shall be taken up for discussion in the same session for not more than two hours on such day, as soon as possible, within three days after the


leave is granted, as the Speaker may fix:


Provided that the Speaker may of his own or on a motion made by a member extend the sitting of the Assembly on such day by two hours."