


Mr. Khalil Tahir Sindhu


Assembly Tenure: 2008-2013 (15th Assembly)

  • Position(s) Held
  • Parliamentary Secretary: Human Rights & Minorities Affairs, Minorities Affairs, Law & Parliamentary Affairs
    Member: Special Committee, Committee on Government Assurances , Law & Parliamentary Affairs
  • Party Affiliation
  • Pakistan Muslim League (Nawaz)
    (See other MPAs of this party)
  • Email
  • Email Your MPA
  • Father's/Husband's Name
  • Bashir Masih
  • Religion
  • Christianity

Personal Career & Interests

Mr Khalil Tahir Sandhu son of Mr Bashir Masih was born on May 23, 1967 at District Tob Tek Singh. He obtained the degree of LL.B. in 1994 from Punjab University Law College, Lahore and is also a diploma holder in International Law and UN Systems from Geneva. A practicing lawyer, who has been elected as Member, Provincial Assembly of the Punjab in general election 2008 against one of the seats reserved for non-muslim minorities and is functioning as Parliamentary Secretary for Human Rights and Minorities. He has attended meetings on human rights held in Geneva organized by the United Nations. A publication titled “Relegious Minorities in Pakistan” published in 2005 is also to his credit. He is a permanent executive member of Intrafaith International, Consultative Status with the UN. He has travelled to UK, Spain and Switzerland.

Permanent Contact

  1. Waris Pura, H.No.5, Mohallah Daud Nagar, District Faisalabad.

0300-9656115 (Mobile), 0312-9656115 (Mobile), 041-2601767 (Work), 041-8713895 (Fax)